Leading Parent Partnership Award at De Warenne Academy

De Warenne Academy gained the award in 2021 and we are now working towards reassessment in the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA). 

The LPPA is a nationally recognised award achievable by schools who work very closely with the families of their pupils. The framework put into place will be assessed by an external advisor, visiting the academy. 

What we are doing to become reaccredited:

We are working towards meeting 9 different objectives to achieve the award. These objectives are:

The school demonstrates a commitment to work towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

The school makes and implements effective plans to achieve and maintain the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

The school is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents.

The school promotes the awareness and participation of all groups of parents in supporting their children’s learning and developing their own learning. In addition, the school holds and actively promotes a programme of opportunities and events for joint parent and child participation.

The school provides a good induction for all new parents.

The school provides parents with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them to support their children’s learning.

The school produces and implements parent friendly policies to establish effective home-school links and to improve children’s attendance, punctuality, progress and positive participation in school.

The school provides good support for all parents as their children move through or leave the school.

The school summarises its achievements against the LPPA Objectives and outlines its future plans.

The LPPA provides a challenging framework to enable schools to strengthen their partnership with parents and carers. It is a developmental process which, through the involvement of parents, aims to enhance your child’s life chances at all stages from nursery to secondary. The Award is a key tool for school self-evaluation, complements the standards required by Ofsted, Investors in People and other national awards as well as providing ongoing evidence relevant to the school Self Evaluation Form (SEF).

Once we have achieved reaccreditation, we will continue to check that we maintain these high standards of partnership and to work on our areas for development.

What can families do to help our partnership?

Read all letters and publicity we send out

Come along to our events if you can

Complete any questionnaires we send out as honestly as you can

Talk to us about any ideas you have to make De Warenne Academy even better

Thank you to all parents and carers who are working with us to help us acheive the award and please continue to give us feedback about the work that we do at De Warenne Academy.