Home Learning for Pupils

Home Learning Books

Every student will have a home learning exercise book which they will use to complete independent revision tasks for all of their subjects. Students can use their knowledge organisers at KS3 and revision guides or case study booklets at KS4 to guide them. Home learning books can also be used to complete home learning set by their subject teachers. 

Knowledge Organisers

Every student at KS3 is provided with a knowledge organiser to support them with their home learning. They are provided termly and contain a section for each of their subjects. 

Additional Home Learning

Key Stage 3

BBC Bitesize have also added daily lessons for pupils to follow that can be accessed here and here.

The Oak National Academy have also created lessons for pupils here

Key Stage 4

Additional work will also be set and/or accessed on the following websites (click to access):

Accessing Email

All staff and pupils have a Microsoft 365 account that gives them full access to the Online Academy.  Access school email https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox


The user account looks like this username@dewarenne.org.uk, a password will be issued in school and the user will be asked to change this when they first login.  If a user forgets their password they can reset it by Clicking Here

Reading Plus

Site Code: rpdewar1

Microsoft 365 – Are you a team player?

  • The Online Academy gives all staff and pupils access to The Delta Academy – online.  This includes Outlook Email and Calendar, One Drive Cloud Storage, Teams Classrooms, Word, PowerPoint, Excel and many more of the Microsoft 365 packages to use wherever they may be in the world.