On a sunny, yet windy morning at De Warenne, excited pupils and parents gathered once again for results day…and again, staff celebrated with pupils the year on year continuous improvement! Pupils eagerly ripped open their envelopes to reveal the increase in pupils achieving a 4+ and 5+ in both English and maths.
There were celebrations to be had in every single subject area with a significant number of those prestigious grade 9s across the board. Overall, 66% of students gained a grade 4 in both maths and English, and 47% achieved a grade 5 or above- a significant increase on the previous year. Whilst English Language in particular celebrated some amazing results despite rising grade boundaries, exceptional progress was also made in science, geography and across the open basket subjects.
Principal John Hall said “this year group seemed to take these exams in their stride and I am exceptionally proud given all the work we have done on resilience. Some pupils this exam series sat a ridiculous amount of papers, sometimes over 30, and they have not let this phase them in the slightest. De Warenne pupils now produce consistently excellent outcomes and we continue to open more doors for the children in our community”.